Welcome to


We're dedicated to giving you the very best in industry service for all your medical needs with a focus on dependability, customer service and uniqueness,

We are here to serve you with an industry experience from 2009 and has come a long way by gaining expertize in servicing and marketing of all kind of medical instruments and medical consumables with a professional approach to maintaining our relationship with our valuable clients.

When we started out A-WINGZ, our passion for helping our clients be more economic in products, maintenance of medical instruments by providing freelance AMC/CMCs and unique maintenance plans for all kind of medical instruments through our professionally trained engineers and marketing professionals by designing our own strategy in all aspects.

We believe in hard work and inspiration from our clients. We now serve customers all over India and are thrilled to be a part of the A-WINGZ the wings of industry.

We hope you love our products and services as much as we love offering them to you.


“We are on the side of humanity”

“Our mission is to achieve the most innovative and economic diagnostics platform by utilizing the possibilities of advanced healthcare technologies”.


A-WINGZ is a technology oriented healthcare business platform which consist of a group of passionate biomedical Engineers to transform the healthcare industry by holding commitment & honesty. We promise “The service everyone can afford”. We are providing the following products & services to our valuable clients.

  • Hematology, Biochemistry, immunology & Micro biology instruments
  • POCT & Critical care products
  • Radiology Equipments
  • Refurbished Medical Equipments
  • Compactable Consumables
  • Freelance AMC/CMC for Medical Equipments
  • Manufacturing of Medical Equipments
  • Export of Medical Products
  • We made our Platform which can easily affordable by our clients in every aspects. We are “Reinventing Automations”.

    Team A-WINGS